Monday, October 03, 2005

Another weekend post

I watched another Kannada movie, "Joke Falls" today. Chauffeur-driven car (thanks to Manju), a good movie and good food at Sarovar, and you know your Sunday hasn't gone wasted! With this movie, I have now watched more Kannada movies (in a movie hall, not at home) in these three months in Austin than in the last 3 years in Bangalore. Thanks to Austin Kannada Sangha for bringing a number of Kannada movies (both of them!) to Austin during this time. They have improved their website as well, things WORK now! What they could do better is ask the volunteers selling tickets and the ones who make announcements (about Rajyothsava celebrations, incidentally) in the movie hall to speak in Kannada. There is no need to prove that you know English and I can pretty much guarantee that every person who is watching a Kannada movie obviously knows Kannada!

I have started borrowing books and DVDs from Austin public library, so evenings are pretty eventful now. Lack of TV pinches once in a while, but for most of the time I don't miss it at all now. But here is a guy who would miss the TV if it was taken away from him for a day - the guy who set Guinness record for non-stop TV watching! His first name is Suresh, but he is not Indian. He apparently watched TV for 69 hours and 48 minutes, with 5 minute breaks every one hour. I know what you are thinking - you could beat it, right? But I guess the challenge here is not falling asleep for three days straight. But you have not heard the funny part yet - why does he do all this - this is straight from CNN website: "to raise awareness of suffering children" These are things that make you go "Huh?". Probably the children suffering due to excess TV watching? Oh, I now remember - I too watched a couple of DVDs this weekend. The purpose was to "raise awareness about suffering children and poverty in Africa" :-)

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