Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hoping to return from stone age!

My call with Vonage went way too well today. I was able to speak to a representative without any wait at all, which made me initially suspect that I dialed a wrong number. After I convinced the representative of my plight, she made me go through the usual drill of rebooting every equipment from the cable modem to the toaster and microwave. There was also the usual "hold down the reset button for 45 seconds", "Pull the power cord out while holding the reset button", "take two deep breaths", "Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden", "put back the power cord", "pray to your favorite God", "observe the little LEDs on the router", etc. Finally she said "We have determined that your router has gone bad". Phew, I knew it for the last three days! So they are sending me a replacement quite soon. Looks like the ordeal is finally going to be over.

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