Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hurricane naming

More about hurricanes, the topic that is the flavor of the season.

As hurricane Rita prepares to run down the US gulf, meteorologists have a huge problem on hand - no, it is not the destruction she might bring with her. What can Rita possibly do that Katrina couldn't? New Orleans mayor to hurricane Rita : "Madam, we already have enough water in our city. We don't want any of yours, thank you. We could even gift some water to you."

The problem meteorologists are facing is - they have only 4 names left for hurricanes and storms this year. Apparently they come up with 21 names at the beginning of the year for the hurricane season (around January to around December). Each name begins with an alphabet from A to W, skipping Q and U. Names are alternatively male and female. Male names were added in 1979 (to silence women right activists, I guess). Names are rotated every seventh year. If a hurricane causes extensive damage, he or she is dropped from the list ;-).

This year they may run out of names and so they are planning to name the extra guests Alpha, Beta and so on. Equally effective, but far less glamorous! They could get a few interesting names from India. What names best suit the worst hurricanes? Yamaraj? Hidimba? Ghatothkaj? Lankini? Bakasur? Okay, may be Yamaraj is not such a good one...

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